Solutions to groundwater management start with finding reliable data reporting tools and sources.

Part of the struggle with presenting usable data is being able to find the data that is pertinent to your project.

Data Repositories, Remote Sensing Links, and educational material are presented here in alphabetical order to help your research be more efficient so you can spend more time on other important aspects of your life, not hunting down the elusive data you are in need of.

Pinkertons Consulting LLC makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the links to the database information provided herein. The reader should not rely on the data provided herein for any reason. Map information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed, and the information contained in these links is NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description". In no event will Pinkertons Consulting LLC be liable for any damages, including loss of data, lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of these links or the information they contain. If you understand and agree to these terms, continue to browse the links below.

  • ESRI - Maps We Love

    A map can change the world, and so can you with the right resources. Maps We Love is an ongoing project to find and share inspiring examples of what’s possible with ArcGIS.

  • Data Processing - FLUXNET

    FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere.

  • Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate and Hydrology Projections

    Archive contains fine spatial resolution translations of climate projections over the contiguous United States.


    The ECOSTRESS mission is to measure the temperature of plants. The images acquired by ECOSTRESS are the most detailed temperature images of the surface ever acquired from space and can be used to measure the temperature of an individual farmer’s field.

  • ECOSTRESS Applications

    ECOSTRESS data can be used in a wide variety of applications and applied science investigations, with partnerships on-going at the US and non-US federal, state, and local/regional scales.

  • Evapotranspiration and Droughts

    Significance and process of Evapotranspiration. Explains changes during droughts.

  • Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle | U.S. Geological Survey

    This section of the Water Science School discusses the Earth's "natural" water cycle without human interference.

  • Frontiers in Climate

    A Suite of Tools for Continuous Land Change Monitoring in Google Earth Engine

  • Groundwater

    USGS Groundwater Data for the Nation

  • Groundwater Watch

    A distributed water database that is locally managed covers surface water, groundwater, and water quality data.

  • Ground Water Atlas of the United States

    GROUNDWATER ATLAS of the UNITED STATES Idaho, Oregon, Washington

  • Hydro-Flow Metrics

    Data collected and managed by Forest Service programs is available in a map service and two downloadable file formats – in a shape file and an ESRI file geodatabase. Metadata is available that describes the content, source, and currency of the data.

  • Hydrogeology of the Pacific Northwest

    A summary description for NGWA Pacific NW Expo – February 2012


    “EEFlux” is an acronym for ‘Earth Engine Evapotranspiration Flux.‘ EEFlux is based on the operational surface energy balance model “METRIC” (Mapping ET at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration), and is a Landsat-image-based process.


    MODFLOW is the USGS's modular hydrologic model. MODFLOW is considered an international standard for simulating and predicting groundwater conditions and groundwater/surface-water interactions.

  • National Groundwater Monitoring Network Data Portal

    The NGWMN is a compilation of selected groundwater monitoring wells from Federal, State, and local groundwater monitoring networks across the nation.

  • National Water Dashboard

    View over 13,000 USGS real-time stream, lake, reservoir, precipitation, water quality, and groundwater stations in context with current weather and hazard conditions. Data is refreshed every minute.

  • National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper

    National Water Information System: Map View

  • OpenET. An Application Tool for Farmers

    Best available science to provide easily accessible satellite-based estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) for improved water management across the western United States.

  • Past and Future Water Use in Pacific Coast States

    The case study provides an example of the issues involved in allocating scarce water among diverse users and uses, and the difficulties policymakers face when attempting to design water allocation policies that require tradeoffs among economic, ecological, and societal values.

  • Principal Aquifers of the United States | U.S. Geological Survey

    This website compiles USGS resources and data related to principal aquifers including Aquifer Basics, principal aquifers maps and GIS data, and the National Aquifer Code Reference List.

  • Quick TSTools

    A repository of Earth Engines tools for planetary-scale platform for Earth science data & analysis. Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities.

  • Sea Level Rise Viewer

    A web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides).

  • Science — ECOSTRESS

    The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS), will monitor one of the most basic processes in living plants: the loss of water through the tiny pores in leaves.

  • Simplified Surface Energy Balance Actual Evapotranspiration Data

    The SSEBop setup combines ET fractions generated from remotely sensed MODIS thermal imagery, acquired every 8 days, with reference ET using a thermal index approach.

  • StreamStats

    Streamflow Statistics and Spatial Analysis Tools for Water-Resources Applications

  • Surface Water

    USGS Surface-Water Data for the Nation

  • Tds Static Catalog

    The THREDDS server operated by the USGS Water Resources Mission Area supports the data serving portion of the Geo Data Portal and as part of the larger Data Integration Framework.

  • The Water Cycle

    Precipitation, evaporation, freezing and melting and condensation are all part of the hydrological cycle - a never-ending global process of water circulation from clouds to land, to the ocean, and back to the clouds.

  • US SSEBop Evapotranspiration | Early Warning and Environmental Monitoring Program

    [insert description]

  • USGS Groundwater for USA: Water Levels

    Interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide.

  • USGS National Water Dashboard

    View over 13,000 USGS real-time stream, lake, reservoir, precipitation, water quality, and groundwater stations in context with current weather and hazard conditions. Data are refreshed every minute.

  • USGS Water Data for the Nation

    These pages provide access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.9 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

  • USGS Water Use Data for Oregon

    State water-use data are reported by source (surface water or groundwater, fresh and saline, and total), category, and area type (county).

  • Visualize CCD products

    A Suite of Tools for Continuous Land Change Monitoring in Google Earth Engine.

  • Water Footprint Calculator


    It includes your tap water use and the “virtual water” used to produce

    your food, electricity, gas and home goods.

  • Water Quality

    Current conditions at selected sites based on the most recent data from on-site automated recording equipment. Measurements are commonly recorded at a fixed interval of 15- to 60-minutes and transmitted to the USGS every hour.

  • Water Quality Portal

    The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is the premiere source of discrete water-quality data in the United States and beyond.

  • Water Resources | U.S. Geological Survey

    Water information is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources.