Help with remote sensing utilizing OpenET.


OpenET employs several well-established methods to generate daily, monthly, and annual satellite-based ET estimates at the field scale. OpenET also provides access to field-scale information on weather and vegetation conditions.

Pinkertons Consulting LLC can help you with this vital resource, from start to finish, including but not limited to:

  • Support for ET-based irrigation practices that maximize “crop per drop” and reduce costs for fertilizer and water.

  • Support for water trading programs that protect the financial viability of farms during droughts while helping to make water available for other beneficial uses.

  • Development of water budgets and innovative management programs that promote adequate water supplies for agriculture, people, and ecosystems.

  • Support for groundwater management programs that require consistent, accurate ET data for monitoring historical and current consumptive water use.


NASA Media briefing on OpenET.

Learn more by watching this information hour long video.