What is environmental management and its importance?

Environmental management helps us to identify the factors that may lead to environmental degradation and helps in future predictions that might affect the present and future generations' lives. The main aim is to maintain and improve environmental resources like air, soil, forests, water, fossil fuels, etc

What is meant by environmental management?

Environmental Management can be defined as “the management of the interaction and impact of human activities on the natural environment”.

Environmental engineering provides methods and facilities for wastewater management, water, and air purification, waste disposal and recycling, and other purposes pertaining to human health and benefit.

What is the role of science and engineering in the protection of the environment?

Environmental engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles to improve and maintain the environment to: protect human health, protect nature's beneficial ecosystems, and improve environmental-related enhancement of the quality of human life.

Pinkertons Consulting LLC can support your environmental management and engineering staff with data collection, installing technologies, devices, and components, and providing datasets for analyssis.

If you are wanting support for your project, feel free to reach out to schedule a meeting by using the contact link below.