Frequently Asked Questions

  • Undoubtedly. I am a direct descendant of Robert Allan Pinkerton. The same tenancy that ran through his veins, runs through mine. That’s one of the reasons I like data and excel at data acquisition.

  • No. Though it is my name, and though I’ve worked on many solar power plants in the Western Hemisphere, it stands for KIUC Renewable Solar. KRS Two is a Delaware Corporation.

  • Don’t know the answer to some or all of these questions, I can help.

    - How much water do you have left in your well?

    - How deep is your well?

    - What is the water pH and overall health of your well?

    - Are you looking for datasets for the funding your project needs?

    - Are you looking to install a weather station?

    - Do you have network connection issues with problematic cabling?

    - Can thermal imaging help solve some of the concerns or issues I have?

    - How can you manage your crops more efficiently using technology and real-time data?

    - Can you reduce the amount of water loss from irrigating at times that are inefficient and what are those times?

    - How can I get to the bottom of a reoccurring problem once and for all?

    - Where can you find datasets for the GIS project you are working on?

    - What other layers should you import into your map to make it more useful to users?

  • Pinkertons Consulting LLC offers services state-wide and may offer out-of-state services depending on services needed. Please contact me for inquiries.

  • Sometimes it’s free. Sometimes there’s a nominal charge. Other times it can be so expensive you need a loan to secure my services. It all depends, really. Please contact me for pricing and quotes.

  • Purchase a baby monitor that comes with an APP for your Android or iPhone. Place the baby monitor close to the pump pressure gauge and configure the baby monitor to record audio and video. Set the sensitivity to a setting that can pick up the sound of the pump motor and water filling the tank.

    Be sure to enable push notifications to the device you have the baby monitor APP installed on.

    If your well is cycling excessively, then you’ll know from the baby monitor notifications This information is vital so you can investigate the water usage or water loss.

    In my house, I know when the washing machine fills up versus leaving the water hose fills the horse trough by the frequency of pump cycles.

    If you don’t resolve a running pump and isolate the cause, then the pump will likely burn up and stop working. If this happens, you will waste water and have to pay a pump installer several thousand dollars to remove and replace the old pump.

    Check for leaks often. Old o-rings or gaskets in plumbing fixtures can allow water to drip. If these areas are in areas of your house that are not used often or visited frequently, make it a point to create a “water leak routine”. Being proactive can help you identify trouble before minor issues turn into critical catastrophes.

  • Read the information found on the page in the Resources tab titled “Dealing with Drought”

  • Simply put, yes. By analyzing your business structure, goals, productivity, challenges, and other technologies you’ve tried or thought about, Pinkertons Consulting LLC can help you explore viable technological solutions to help your company or organization thrive, and then implement and help manage them.

  • of course, that’s what I do. Locating current and validated datasets is one of my specialties.

  • Not only conserve water but help your crops with a higher yield, conserve nutrients, and electricity.

  • Yes I can. Please contact me for more information. I offer discounts when you buy two or more. The more you buy, the more you save.

  • I truly believe that we all learn from each other and for me to keep the knowledge I’ve been blessed with secret is a disservice to humankind. My goal isn’t to profit from that knowledge, rather, it is to collectively solve environmental issues as a team. Our progeny and their future is at stake.

  • Yes and I cover many topics from jurisprudence to technology implementation to computer best practices.

  • My biography is still unpublished because my life is still progressing. When I am finished with my life’s manuscript then you’ll be able to read about my life’s endeavors including being interviewed by Walter Cronkite. It will cover the how and why I supplied South Texas School of Law with research, writing and curriculum, consulting with foreign governments and standing up to tyrants, and helping the oppressed, the marginalized and disadvantaged.